Parent voice

At Grandpont we see ourselves as partners of parents and carers in the education and care of their children.  We aim to provide a warm welcome to parents in all parts of the Nursery School, Daycare and Family Centre.

If you are coming for the first time, we know that the routines, expectations and systems can be confusing for you and for your child.  It can take a while for your child to settle.  Staff are there to help you and your child to make their time here an enjoyable, motivating and productive one.  

We have excellent feedback from parents when their children leave, about the relationships that have been made, about behaviour and about progress made in learning and in development.  However each child is unique and we are always learning and adapting what we do to meet the needs of our current children and families and the latest research and guidance. 


We ask for your feedback at various points in your journey:


- on your first visit or when we do a home visit prior to starting nursery school


- through daily feedback on particular 'wow' moments or if there are any concerns


- through meetings in the first, third and final term to look at records, learning journeys and      progress


- through parent feedback questionnaire


- at parent evenings or social occasions


If you have any concerns or questions about your child's time with us the first port of call is your child's key worker.  If you feel you need more information or support you can always talk to the lead teacher or the  headteacher by appointment or popping in when the office door is open. 


There are many ways you can get involved in the life of the school which will benefit all children here.  Grandpont Nursery School Association organises events and raises funds and helps out with the library.  You can contact the associate by leaving a note at reception  - and by reading the notice board in reception.


Parents are also welcome to come in and volunteer or share a skill.  We have had parents sorting resources, doing DIY, making soft furnishings, cooking with children, sharing their knowledge, their expertise or celebrating cultural festivals from different faiths and countries across the world. 


Meanwhile if you are unsure of anything - please ask.   You can contact any member of staff via the office on 018615 242900 or email